Downloadable study materials for Docker Certified Associate Exam in PDF format. Get yourself prepped up quickly by using this guide that has been created by putting together all the key information needed for quick understanding of concepts with relevant examples and links to documentation. And, be sure to checkout the online mock tests embedded in the sections below.

Docker Certified Associate – Domain 1: Orchestration (25% of exam)

[qsm_link id=1] Quiz / Mock test [/qsm_link]

Docker Certified Associate – Domain 2: Image Creation, Management, and Registry (20% of exam)

[qsm_link id=2]Quiz / Mock test[/qsm_link]

Docker Certified Associate – Domain 3: Installation and Configuration (15% of exam)

[qsm_link id=3]Quiz / Mock test[/qsm_link]

Docker Certified Assocate – Domain 4: Networking (15% of exam)